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Shipping Services

At Pole Trading, we are dedicated to providing reliable and efficient shipping services to our customers. We specialize in shipping and delivering products from Turkey to all parts of the world. We work hard to ensure that your products are delivered to your doorstep safely and on time, every time. With our extensive network of shipping partners, we are able to offer affordable shipping rates without compromising quality.

Customs Clearance

Welcome to Pole Trading, your trusted Customs Clearance partner in Turkey. We are committed to providing you with the best possible service, and our team of experts will work diligently to make sure your shipments clear as quickly as possible. Our customs clearance process is simple, efficient and reliable. Contact us today to experience the Pole Trading difference.

Smiling Person Standing In Front Of Container Yard
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Import & Export

Pole Trading is a leading player in the import and export industry between Turkey and the world. We specialize in providing our customers with the best possible quality products. Our expertise, experience and well-established relationships with our suppliers make it possible for us to offer competitive prices and unparalleled customer service. Our dedicated team is always available to answer your questions and to provide support along the way.

E-Commerce (IST-Market)

Looking for quality products from Turkey but don't know where to start? ist-market has got you covered! Our user-friendly e-commerce platform offers a wide range of products, including fashion, home goods, electronics, and more. Enjoy a hassle-free shopping experience with fast and reliable shipping.

Sunrise in Bosphorus

Why Choose US


Custom Solutions


About ist-market

ist-market, we are not just another delivery company. We strive to provide our customers with a different and enhanced shopping experience. We are dedicated to setting new standards in the industry, ranging from our top-notch courier service and responsive call center to our user-friendly website and efficient warehouse management.

Dara and James Levine

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